Author: Nabila Alkibsi

  • News and Analysis (7/22/20)

    Because the “legislation … is unlikely to be embraced in the Republican-led Senate, … it appears the issue will be fought out in the US presidential election contest”: US House Poised to Vote on Reversing Trump’s ‘Muslim Ban’ (Aljazeera) African-American Muslims want to know why Arab-American Muslims are peddling alcohol, pork, and racism: Un-HolyLand? An…

  • News and Analysis (7/19/20)

    “The secret authorization–issued sometime in 2018–offered the US spy agency more freedom to both conduct cyber operations and choose its targets without the White House’s approval”: Report: CIA Conducted Cyber Attacks Against Iran, Russia After Secret Trump Order in 2018 (Forbes) “Iranian law allows those convicted to appeal again even after an appeals court has…

  • News and Analysis (7/15/20)

    After a Muslim employee’s report that George Floyd tried to pass a counterfeit $20 bill led to the accused’s murder by police, the store’s Muslim owner says that it “will no longer call the police on customers”: At the Doorstep of Unity of Purpose Within a Diverse Faith Community (Milwaukee Independent) All opposition parties condemned…

  • News and Analysis (7/12/20)

    After decades of violating the Qur’anic commandment Sudan scrapes laws that made it illegal for non-Muslims to drink alcohol and that criminalized conversion from Islam “potentially punishable by death”: Sudan Allows Alcohol Consumption, Decriminalises Leaving Islam (APF / Deccan Herald) Palestinian-Dutch supermodel Bella Hadid says that the removal her post reflects a trend “to restrict…

  • News and Analysis (7/9/20)

    While numbers of US businesses were shut out of the Relief packages, pro-Israeli nonprofit organizations benefited heavily: Israel Affinity Organizations and Businesses Received Millions in Forgivable PPP Loans (WRMEA) “Palestinian residents face widespread discrimination, most lack citizenship and many live in fear of being forced out” … Jerusalem Offers a Grim Model for a Post-Annexation…

  • News and Analysis (7/7/20)

    “In light of the evidence that the US has provided to date, the targeting of General Soleimani, and the deaths of those accompanying him, constitute an arbitrary killing” — UN special rapporteur: US Killing of Iran’s Qassem Soleimani ‘Unlawful’: UN Expert (Aljazeera) “Contrary to USAID’s comments …, Lloyd does not refer to ‘radical Islam’ in…

  • News and Analysis (7/2/20)

    Based on Israeli Absentee Property Law, On June 30, The Jerusalem District Court denied the Sumarin family’s appeal to remain in their home they built 30 years ago even though the family was never absent from the house … Justice Denied: Press Congress to Intervene (Rebuilding Alliance) … lending support to the Palestinian claim that…

  • News and Analysis (6/29/20)

    “Mayor Sam Liccardo said he expected any officer who made ‘racist, anti-Muslim or menacing comments’ to be fired”: 4 San Jose Police Officers Placed on Leave After Racist, Anti-Muslim Facebook Posts Found (KTLA) “A number of Lebanese media outlets … [defied] a judge’s ruling that banned local and foreign media from featuring her statements after…

  • News and Analysis (6/26/20)

    On Wednesday Rouhani said that “Tehran would be open to talk with United States if apologizes for quitting the nuclear deal and compensates Tehran”: Exclusive: U.S. Warns Russia, China of U.N. Isolation if Iran Arms Ban Extension Blocked (Reuters) Ted Cruz’s attempt to crack down on Twitter for not carrying Iranian communications clearly violates the…

  • News and Analysis (6/24/20)

    Populism would replace national identity based on a narrative history of common values with one based on a common enemy; for America that is a reversal from a country of immigrants to a country against immigrants: India’s New Nationalism, and Ours (Reason) Sauce for the goose is not sauce for the gander the BJP’s India:…

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