News and Analysis (2/5/20)

The app that delayed reporting of Iowa’s Democratic caucus results was developed by a company “backed by hedge fund billionaires including … a prolific funder of pro-settler Israel lobby organizations”:

On February 4, Iran reiterated its willingness to cooperate with the EU on the nuclear deal issue as long as the opposite side upholds its commitments:

Gen. Burhan reaffirmed Khartoum support of Palestinian’s right for full sovereignty, and confirmed his meeting with Netanyahu saying it was a diplomatic visit to improve Sudan standing with the US and lift sanctions:

US general, in the Gulf, warns of further escalation with Iran: the US must not underestimate Iran’s capability:

Undaunted by past failure, Iran announces on February the launch of a satellite by the end of the week:

Does her “her foul-mouthed outburst” make her a paragon of free speech or an enemy of freedom of conscience?

“[A]t least 17 Iranian students have had their dream of studying in the US dashed after landing in US airports, valid visas in hand. They were instead sent home and most were given five-year bans on returning to the US”:






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