News and Analysis (4/12/20)

In “the seventh century, when the Greek Orthodox gave the key to the family”:

“Everybody wants to control us but nobody wants to help us”:

Biden says that Sanders has given life to some previously taboo issues; many “Sanders’ supporters would add Palestinian human rights to that list”:

Will the coronavirus outbreak urge Iran and the Gulf countries to open window for diplomacy?

“Now that face covering is seen everywhere” Muslim women veil is no longer a security threat:

“For the time being, in keeping our churches and mosques closed, we fulfill this commandment by keeping our neighbors safe from contracting disease. What’s more Christian than that?”:

“Each side accused the other of starting the shelling and targeting civilian areas in violation of the 2003 cease-fire accord along the so-called Line of Control that divides Kashmir between India and Pakistan”:

As Pakistan is hit by an economic slowdown and widespread of corona, Pakistani interfaith volunteer group joined hand with other faith group to fight the common enemy:






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