News and Analysis (4/22/20)

An earlier victim says “that Israel tends to prosecute Palestinians who have contacts with the Arab world and the Middle East region to avoid admitting the separate national character of its Arab Palestinian citizens”:

Although Muslims mainly were the victims of violent Hindu mobs,” Delhi police are using the incident as a pretext to stifle peaceful protest against Indian citizenship act”:

“Cases filed against three Kashmiri journalists in less than a week as media and rights groups decry ‘misuse of power”:

“During the gunfight, troops blew up the house with explosives, a common tactic by security forces, residents said”:

Palestinian officials hold the UN responsibility to any Israeli annexation of the West Bank and warn annexation is a threat to peace in the region:

Under the recommendation of the Health Ministry, Palestine approved economic relaxation, the opening of vital economic establishments with a strict coordinated way:

Three centuries after Howard’s study of the association between prison and infectious disease, amid the pandemic, many Western countries still treat prison as usual:

In an apparent reference to harassment of big US Navy ships by small Iranian speedboats, Trump “has given orders for the US Navy to ‘shoot down and destroy” any Iranian gunboats found to be harassing US ships’” …

… but while “the Trump administration tightens the screws on Iran, Biden and the Democratic establishment dither, or worse”:

This is Iran’s first successful satellite launch since 2017:






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