News and Analysis (5/9/20)

An Iraqi regional officer observes that US and Saudi officials “think they’ve got their man. They’re celebrating. When will they ever understand Iraq?”

The clock may be running out on tolerance of anti-Muslim bigotry …

… except in India:

Not content to throw those who resist the occupation into prison, Israel now aims to starve their families …

… while the West Bank village of Kufr Aqab, within the Israeli-drawn municipal boundary and cut off from Palestinian Authority control. local volunteers enforce the COVID-19 quarantine:

Palestine’s justice minister says the US recognition of the occupier’s sovereignty over occupied land is a war crime:

Twenty Muslim organizations from Irving continue a thirteen year tradition of hosting iftar dinner ceremony by honoring first responders in a virtual ceremony while volunteers deliver dinner:

As India’s repression in Kashmir continues …

… some Indians suffering from the COVID-19 lockdown are acquiring a empathy for the besieged Kashmiris:

“Based on the accounts of survivors and the marks on the bodies of the victims, they were first lashed with wire cables by the Iranian border guards and then forced at gunpoint to jump into the river”:

“Instead of prosecuting those who exercised their right to free expression and peaceful assembly, the … authorities should conduct a transparent investigation … to find out exactly what happened in this tragedy”:

Protesting forced cremation, the All Ceylon Jamiyyathul Ulama argues “that more than 180 countries in line with the guidelines of the World Health Organisation have allowed burials for Muslims who die of COVID-19”:






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