News and Analysis (5/14/20)

Muslims in Europe struggle to hold traditional burials:

One of “the 12 million people who had been displaced and forced to leave their homes overnight,” Mammo’s story demonstrates the malicious use of political borders to deny people their right to return home:

As Palestinian seek to commemorate the nakba, that catastrophe of their lost homeland, amidst the Covid-19 crisis …

… Iran’s bill to establish an embassy in Jerusalem emphasizes that the “historical and integrated land of Palestine belongs to the original Palestinian people, including Muslims, Christian, and Jews” …

… whereas the 19th century Zionist slogan of “a land without people for people without land” ignored the fact that 88% of the population were not Jews” …

… and now as the EU warns against advancing West Bank annexation, some say Pompeo may urge caution:

Trump’s economic pressure on Iran could backfire on US goals:

“With all five local mosques in the region closed due to the coronavirus pandemic, local congregants have had to find other ways to honor the holiday”:

“A right-wing lawmaker in Italy was reprimanded Wednesday after he called a young Italian woman who converted to Islam while being held hostage in Somalia a ‘neo-terrorist’”:

Hackers strike …

Group Hacks Telangana Govt Website to Protest Jammu & Kashmir Curbs (Indian Express)

… as India refuses to letup on oppression during the pandemic:

The University of Michigan partnered with ACCESS to conduct a community health outreach for Muslims fasting Ramadan using culturally specific message:






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