News and Analysis (5/26/20)

“The Covid-19 pandemic has beautifully dispelled the taboo, the myth, the common practice ⁠— that women do not and cannot pray with men”:

“State enforced disruptions to internet access are problematic at all times and in the midst of a global pandemic, such restrictions are unconscionable”:

“Education promotes individual freedom, empowerment and yields important developmental benefits” but in Kashmir getting higher education is an unusually difficult challenge:

Is the pigeon named Bond? Mohammad Bond?:

As tension mounts between the Chinese and Indian military over Kashmir …

“Debt-laden Islamabad gets Beijing funds for joint venture opposed by Delhi”:

“Doctors Association Kashmir (DAK) has announced a black-band protest across the Union territory following the recent incidents in which doctors were allegedly manhandled, harassed and not allowed to reach hospitals”:

Rejecting the misconceptions of his Greek and Roman predecessors, Ibn Haytham’s innovative data-based understanding influenced later scientists including “Galileo Galilei, … Johannes Kepler and … Sir Isaac Newton”:






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