News and Analysis (12/24/12)

After the second round of voting, the Muslim Brotherhood claims the constitution  has been approved by a solid 64% of the vote, but the opposition claims fraud, promising to continue peaceful protests and other democratic means, possibly forming a single opposition party …

,,, Will the loss of political capital expended impede Mursi’s attempts to deal with the economic crisis?

“Christians live openly here, and they describe Hezbollah as a tolerant group that has steadfastly supported their presence, even sending Christmas cards to Christian neighbors “:

“He was escorted off the airplane and detained for four hours, according to the suit. He was not given water, food or allowed to use the restroom and was ordered to sit and stare at a wall. ‘If he so much as turned his head, he was verbally abused for doing so’”:

“All across the land, posters for halal turkeys in butchers’ shops in Muslim-populated areas…. Of course on the day itself, the turkey will be kept moist with ghee rather than bacon rashers, not a single chipolata sausage will grace the dining table and the brandy butter will probably be… well, just butter”:

“Protesters …  in the western Sunni heartland … say Shiite Prime Minister Nouri al-Maliki has marginalized them, and that anti terrorism laws are being used unfairly against Sunnis”:

“‘Not a single mausoleum will remain in Timbuktu,’ Abou Dardar, a leader of the Islamist group Ansar Dine, told AFP news agency”:

“The judicial process against Badawi has not made clear what words or activities provoked his prosecution”:

Israel continues its violations of the cease-fire:

“If confirmed, the attack on Halfaya in central Syria, which was seized by rebels last week, would be one of the deadliest air strikes of Syria’s civil war. Videos uploaded by activists showed dozens of bloodstained corpses lying amid rubble and shrapnel”:







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