News and Analysis (8/21/20)

“Tehran called on Abu Dhabi to release the boats and its nationals, and to hand over the bodies of those killed”:

“The city of Phoenix and the Phoenix police targeted my brother for his race, they mocked him for his religion and disability, and then brutally killed him” the victim’s sister:

“[D]etainees had complained before the pandemic to ICE officials that the pre-packaged halal meals were rotten and expired, the letter said. Some said they had suffered stomach pain, vomiting and diarrhea”:

The “[m]ove means babies cannot travel through Israeli-controlled crossings”:

Arranged marriage is much understood, but its racist side must be called out as a violation of Islamic ethics:

“We cannot therefore support this action which is incompatible with our current efforts to support the JCPOA” — Joint statement of France, Germany, and the UK:

“Israel’s military occupation and expansion of illegal settlements, despite Fatah’s control of the West Bank, dispel the myth that Hamas is the main obstacle to peace”:
“Head-shaving … in France … was the punishment after World War II meted out to thousands of women who had relationships with Nazi occupiers in so-called ‘horizontal collaboration’”:

“India has the potential to be a global leader in promoting democratic technology norms, but instead it leads the way with internet shutdowns”:






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