An Afghani refugee sometimes mocked as “terrorist” told the white supremacist mass murderer, “You took that name from me. Today, you are the terrorist” and “elicited spontaneous applause from other victims in the courtroom”:
Notwithstanding Israeli Pressure on its European members, the UNSC is not buying Pompeo’s illogical claim that the U.S. has the right to trigger a clause in a treaty from which it has withdrawn …
… while Iran grants IAEA access to two contested sites and the head of Iran’s Atomic Energy Organisation says that the IAEA “will carry out its independent and professional responsibilities and Iran will fulfil its legal commitments” under the JCPOA:
“Last week, under pressure from a group that polices the Canadian media on behalf of the ‘Jewish state’, CBC Radio host Duncan McCue issued an on-air apology for using the word ‘Palestine’”:
- Palestine Deleted (Mondoweiss)
Hamas “was to provide security along [the border] in return for Israel’s alleviation of the blockade. But Palestinian leaders in Gaza accused Israel of continuing to renege on implementing its side of the bargain”:
Mustafa Akyol finds “huge” gap in the degree of personal freedom “between the freest Muslim majority countries (Bosna and Herzegovina and Albania) and the least free ones (Syria and Yemen)”:
- Freedom in the Muslim World (Cato Institute)
The Jammu-Kashmir Coalition of Civil Society calls “India’s communications blackout following the scrapping of the disputed region’s semi-autonomy last year ‘collective punishment’”:
The “rift between Pakistan and Saudi Arabia” over Kashmir” poses serious challenges to Saudi Arabia’s quest for geopolitical and religious leadership of the Muslim world”:
- Pakistan-Saudi Spat: Hitting the Kingdom Where It Hurts (Mideast Soccer)
“Democrats invited Palestinian activist Linda Sarsour to speak during a ‘Muslim delegates and allies’ assembly, but then kicked her away the first chance they got[, showing that] … the party wants our vote, but they aren’t willing to work for it”:
- Palestinians Should Not Have to Leave Our Dignity at the Door to Enter the Democrat’s ‘Big Tent’ (Mondoweiss)
A Â senior research analyst at the National Iranian American Council says, “US pressure is in many ways cementing the system at the expense of the livelihoods of Iranians”:
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