New and Analysis (9/5/20)

The army that is teaching the knee-on-the-neck tactic to U.S. police shows the world that that it can be used against elderly demonstrators as well as young suspects:

“The MEK’s disinformation primarily targeted right-of-center outlets receptive to a hawkish line against Iran”:

“A teacher coerced into giving classes in Xinjiang internment camps has described her forced sterilisation at the age of 50, under a government … crackdown [that] swept up not just women likely to fall pregnant, but those well beyond normal childbearing ages”:

“Israel holds the remains of hundreds of Palestinian dating back to 1967, kept in morgues or otherwise buried in unkempt graves in what is known as the cemetery of numbers … in contravention of international law”:

“[M]embers of a far-right group set fire to a copy of the Quran” and “[d]ays later in Oslo, protesters … tore up [its] pages … and spat on them.” Norway’s PM “denounced the actions as ‘hurtful’ … but defended the group’s right to express their views”:

“[F]resh tensions have exposed the underlying divisions and rivalries among militias, tribes and political figures that have plagued Libya since the ouster and killing of dictator Moammar Gaddafi during the country’s 2011 Arab Spring uprising and NATO intervention”

“[T]he Palestinian factions announced they had approved the creation, within five weeks, of a joint committee to organise ‘the popular resistance’ and ‘put an end to the divisions’ between themselves’:

“[P]olitical parties are banned, and all executive, legislative, and judicial authority ultimately rests with the seven hereditary rulers. The civil liberties of both citizens and noncitizens … are subject to significant restrictions” — Freedom House

The ability to attend services at a distant mosque made possible by demands of the Coronavirus has been a Godsend for converts like Rivera who, identifying as  queer, found his local mosque to be “a very gendered and inaccessible space”:






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