News and Analysis (9/29/20)

Erdogan sides with Azerbaijan against Armenia “to boost his credentials with nationalists and distract from perpetual economic crisis at home” while Iran whose Azerbaijani community may be up to one fourth of its the population take a pragmatic approach:

“UAE served as the backbone of the coalition’s ground war in Yemen and was involved with allied Yemeni militias in running a series of secret torture facilities there,” and “past weapons transfers to the UAE have landed in the hands of extremist groups … rebels included”:

“[G]iven that the Taliban want to alter the current Afghan state into a theocracy while the other side wants to preserve as much of the current democratic setup as possible, the likely compromise will be a Sunni Afghan version of the Islamic Republic of Iran”:

The death sentence for praising an imam above the Prophet (as) has experts “‘deeply concerned over the lack of due process’ … including being held incommunicado and having no access to a lawyer during his initial trial, which was not open to the public”:

“It took just fifteen days for New Delhi to take steps to address the demand in Buddhist majority Leh for constitutional safeguards to protect [a population of 33,000] … but a similar demand for protection to [7 million Muslims in Kashmir Valley] has no takers” …

… while according to “[h]ighly placed sources … two persons have been arrested by the police for allegedly being part of a conspiracy that led to the killing of three labourers from Rajouri by the army” …

… and a former chief minister of Jammu and Kashmir continues to sit in jail six months after her six month detention order was set to expire:

“By allotting a fragile residency status in East Jerusalem, Israel has succeeded to revoke and subsequently uproot more than 14,200 Palestinians”:

“This rule is akin to telling Muslim girls that they need permission to be a Muslim” — Sabina Mohyuddin, executive director of the American Muslim Advisory Council:






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