News and Analysis (12/26/20)

President-elect Biden plans to continue the close relationship with Modi established by Trump while being wary of growing anti-Muslim hostility in India …

… and seems to be backing off his earlier immigration pledge that included ending the Muslim ban on “Day One”: 

Trump has pardoned a former Republican congressman charged for charity work with the Islamic American Relief Agency, but not the Muslim charged in the same matter:

Original plans for building a park on waqf-owned Al-Yousefieh cemetery were brought to court where it was decided that “the municipality’s actions were illegal”:

Bangladesh asserts that “[t]he Rohingya Muslim refugee problem would be solved when they would go back to their country, Myanmar” even though Buddhist mobs and police have been launching a deadly genocide against the ethnic group since 2016:

Georgia Senate candidate Raphael Warnock. who has in the past made comments comparing Netanyahu and Southern segregationist George Wallace has changed his tune after receiving endorsement from Democratic Majority for Israel:

In the first election since Modi revoked special status of Kashmir, local elections were held where the anti-Modi coalition won many seats resulting in at least 75 arrests:

Both King Mohammed VI of Morocco and Erdogan maintain their position on Israeli occupation of Palestine, but Erdogan has no plans of restoring diplomatic relations until he sees changes in Palestine:

After reintroducing the Yemen Peace Initiative earlier this month, Iran directly calls out Saudi Arabia for their involvement in Yemen which caused the current humanitarian crisis in the nation:

Jared Kushner says the Trump administration strengthening ties between apartheid Israel and Arab dictators makes it “the most pro-Israel administration” and also “the most pro-Arab/Muslim”:






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