News and Analysis (1/28/21)

Since VP Harris was critical of Kashmir annexation in 2019, many are hopeful to see improvements in the region:

Neoconservative critics are terrified that Biden will appoint a man who has “has called U.S. Middle East policy ‘a litany of failed enterprises’ requiring ‘self-reflection” and is a true believer in diplomacy’”:

Some are suggesting Biden help Nasrin Sotoudeh, lawyer of high profile cases in Iran and human rights activist, through negotiating with Iran:

Munawar Faruqui, Muslim comedian, is charged under Section 295A of India’s penal code, which prohibits “deliberate and malicious acts, intended to outrage religious feelings…” all before opening his mouth:

“As a community that has often needed to explain itself and what Islam truly represents, we deeply empathise with your shock and anguish that someone who professes the Christian faith seeks to … desecrate it” — Mufti Nazirudin Mohd Nasir

Biden’s restoration of relations with and aid to the Palestinians is driven by a desire to resurrect the two-state solution: 

“President Hassan Rouhani’s chief of staff said the Biden administration is independent and will not follow all Israeli commands like the previous US government, after Israel announced it is revising attack plans against Iran”:

Israeli immigration open to “virtually anyone of Jewish ancestry” is closed to three out of four Palestinians living “on land controlled by Israel are citizens of Israel, and even then their rights are limited compared with their nearly seven million Jewish counterparts”:

“While such deference is particularly inappropriate for a president as willing to lie for personal and political gain as Trump, the Court, to quote [a different decision by] Chief Justice Roberts’ … should never ‘exhibit a naïveté from which ordinary citizens are free’”:








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