News and Analysis (1/31/21)

Groups like CAIR are on high alert following Capitol riots as they receive direct message from hate group threatening to go “Muslim hunting”:

“The case has amplified disquiet over the scheme, which has been labelled anti-Muslim and called discriminatory and divisive”:

Khamenei is accused of undermining the fundamental principle behind the vilayat-e-faqih: “If expertise is not required to understand different areas of human knowledge, then the clergy cannot monopolise the understanding of Islam”:

Following the forced resignation of its network and resource development director for “tweeting antisemitic material under an alias,” Islamic Relief Worldwide is “exonerated of institutional antisemitism”:

Marine Le Pen, French far-right leader and daughter of convicted racist Jean-Marie Le Pen, proposes popular law to prohibit Islamic headscarves “in all public areas in France”:

… but South Africa amends dress policy to allow for headscarves after a military officer was indicted for wearing hijab with uniform:

A 29-year-old “training and development consultant from Glasgow” defeated an “an imam and teacher” by 107 votes to 60:

An Idaho woman assumes Muslim garb to dodge the mask mandate, pleading “something traumatic from her childhood”:

“Western weapons are not only the cause of death of many Yemenis but also the main cause for instability in the Gulf,” said Saeed Khatibzadeh, spokesman of the Iranian foreign ministry:

After securing ten million doses of vaccine by offering Pfizer data that critics say violates privacy, Israel offers .05% to Palestinians in the West Bank and Gaza:







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