News and Analysis (2/9/21)

The police defend the arrest of an Indian-Muslim comedian for comments he did not make and a high court judge denies him and the event organizers and a personal friend bail demonstrating the BJP threat to freedom of speech:

Across Europe, political parties are demonstrating, once again, that election victories are most easily obtained on the backs of Muslim populations …

… and as right-wing populism gets increasingly popular in Europe, Islamaphobic attacks have increased as well in places such as Germany:

Muslim teenager was wrongfully shot by Kashmiri government forces and as the father went to seek for body, he was arrested and charged using India’s restrictive anti-terror law:

Canadian Baha’is protest Iranian seizure of private property “on the basis of what the court called the religious belief of the ‘perverse sect of Bahá’ísm’:

A woman who was married against her will is told by the court that she must divorce her current husband before marrying another man, although the law would place no condition on a man in her situation: 

Meeting with the US envoy to Yemen, Iran’s FM discusses regional developments and criticizes Saudi Arabian involvement for worsening situations in the area:

Iran’s intelligence minister says Biden’s refusal to reverse Trump’s abandonment of the JCPOA may force them to pursue nuclear weapons:

Pakistanis are pushing President Biden to voice his concern regarding the crisis in Kashmir, the same way he “pleaded the case of Bosnia … in 1995”:

Prior to Biden’s term, Pompeo designated Yemeni Houthis as a terrorist group, but the current administration has returned to restoring humanitarian aid in the region during the civil war: 






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