News and Analysis (2/22/21)

Although many far-right European politicians have backed Modi, Kashmiri human rights issues have come to the EU’s attention, and Indian politicians are pushing for Kashmiri statehood now following peaceful DDC polls:

Reports reveal a human rights crisis in Kashmir, but the Indian government has been presenting a false and idealistic image of the region to envoys and diplomats:

As the pervasive influence of Islamophobia in ICE is still present, examples of people being persecuted for being Muslim in their home countries and America exist:

BBC interview with the first female leader of the Muslim Council of Britain is slammed for abrasive style and potential malicious intent. On the other hand, some are arguing that “[t]o insist that Muslim leaders should not be subject to the same harsh questioning as anyone else is hardly an argument for equal treatment”:

As tense negotiation proceed …

… Biden’s waves a big stick:

Palestinians working in Israel (who they might expose Israelis) will receive the coronavirus vaccine from Moderna:

Following talks between Russia, Syria, and Israel, Putin may be able to facilitate a deal between Israel and Assad’s regime:

The UNRWA implemented a one-coupon system standardizing aid across all refugees, but the decision hasn’t been popular as Palestinians want “to redress the Palestinian refugees classified under the extreme poverty line” and go back to a two-coupon system:






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