Voter Suppression in Jerusalem

[The following letter to the editor was submitted to The Washington Post on May 5. The editors elected not to  publish it.  We are pleased to print it here]:

The Washington Post editorial “An election fiasco leaves the Palestinian government weaker than ever” (5/3/21) tries to blame the Palestinian leadership for the delay in the elections saying, “Mr. Abbas indefinitely postponed the elections on Thursday, citing as a pretext Israel’s failure to confirm that it would allow a few thousand Palestinians to vote in East Jerusalem.”  The number of Arab Jerusalem voters Israel insists of disenfranchising is actually hundreds of, not “a few,” thousands. I am certain that were some American politicians to refuse to allow hundreds of (or even “a few”) thousands of black voters from an election the Post would understand it was the cause of, rather than a pretext for, the angry reaction it would surely provoke.

Imad-ad-Dean Ahmad
Minaret of Freedom Institute






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