News and Analysis (11/26/08)

“The Fourth Amendment’s requirement of reasonableness — but not the Warrant Clause — applies to extraterritorial searches and seizures of U.S. citizens” – Judge José A. Cabranes

In a step to establish civilian authority, the Directorate of Inter-Services Intelligence’s ‘political wing’ is quietly shut down:

Recently established security forces help curb violence in Hebron, an area in which Palestinians fall victim to some of the most extreme Israeli settlers:

The Foreign Press Association has filed a petition requesting the supreme court to overrule the ban on journalists allowed into Gaza:

Parliament’s vote on the security pact viewed as a referendum on Prime Minister Maliki’s performance:

“If we don’t have a clear idea of how long it will be, the Afghan government has no choice but to seek political solutions,” including “starting to talk to Taliban and those opposing the government”:

US to increase troops in Wardak and Logar, two volatile provinces that have traditionally lacked Western forces:


Minaret of Freedom Institute Program Assistant






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