News and Analysis 9/12/21

Better late than never: Will the ADL’s apology for opposing Cordoba House (and vilifying it as “the ground zero mosque”) inspire others to reconsider their bigotry?

A “Saudi national named Omar al-Bayoumi who helped [two of the hijackers] find and lease an apartment in San Diego … had ties to the Saudi government and had earlier attracted FBI scrutiny”:

Trumps withdrawal from the JCPOA has reduced Iran’s time to develop a nuclear weapon (one expert says to only one month) and Israeli sabotaged has destroyed monitoring records Iran was willing to turn over to the IAEA:

Iranian membership i the Shanghai Cooperation Organization would “effectively give Iran a veto should Saudi Arabia and the UAE choose to seek more formal relations with the SCO in response to a reduced US commitment to their security”:

“Since Monday’s jail break from Gilboa prison in northern Israel, the army has poured troops into the occupied West Bank for a massive manhunt”:

The first foreign leader to meet with Iran’s newly elected president was accompanied by a “high level political and economic delegation”:






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