News and Analysis 10/21/21

The six prisoners are among the 520 held in Israeli jails without formal charges or trial:

“The court said [that] a Muslim ex-wife has a right to maintenance subject to satisfying certain conditions, is indisputable”:

Colin Powell deserves credit for adding in his refutation of claims that Barak Obama was a Muslim that there is nothing wrong with being a Muslim or for “with some 7-year-old Muslim American kid believing that he or she could be president?” …

… but he himself denied claims that he ever questioned the Bush administration’s false claims that Saddam Hussein had weapons of mass destruction:

The AJC, the ADL, and Bend the Arc  are among the religious organizations blowing the whistle on Republicans who seem to oppose someone “eminently qualified” to be confirmed as “be the highest-ranking Muslim in government”:

“Biden has acquiesced to Trump’s decision to move the U.S. Embassy in Israel from Tel Aviv to Jerusalem; … followed through on the Taliban-Trump deal …; and appears in no hurry to rejoin the Iran nuclear deal abandoned by Trump”:

Benny Gantz paints the move as a “humanitarian gesture” but it only allows some Gaza refugees and undocumented spouses of West Bank residents denied freedom in the occupied territory to take menial jobs in Israel:

The terrorist group India blames for the recent violence “emerged in the wake of … [India’s]  harsh communication and movement lockdown in the Kashmir valley to forestall any large-scale protests” of its policies:

Human Rights Watch is demanding Iranian “investigate abuses against Payam Derafshan, prosecute anyone responsible, provide him with adequate redress, and urgently investigate the prevalence of torture and abuse in [its] prisons”:






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