News and Analysis 11/8/21

Shocked by the FBI informant’s eagerness to engage in violence, mosque congregants reported him to the FBI …

… the secret video and audio recordings embarrassed the imam who had “moderated a community meeting with the head of the FBI’s Los Angeles office” who had assured attendees “that the agency would not send secret monitors into the community”:

“Iraqi and U.S. officials have grown increasingly alarmed over the recent use of small fixed-wing drones that have evaded detection systems around military bases and diplomatic facilities”:

“The Sudanese Professionals Association (SPA), which spearheaded a popular uprising that led to the 2019 removal of longtime ruler Omar al-Bashir,” says, “No negotiations, no compromise, no power-sharing”:

“[I]t is a 100% certainty that any future Republican president will tear [any return to the Iran nuclear deal] up” — Ted Cruz

Again flouting International law, the rogue state of Israel insists on its right to veto Biden’s decision to reopen the American consulate to the Palestinians in Jerusalem based on its imagined sovereignty over the city:

“[Y]et another example of the military’s unlawful open-fire policy [that] allows soldiers to open lethal fire at Palestinians even when they are not endangering them or anyone else – without the soldiers or their commanders being held accountable”:

“The U.K. has acknowledged it owes Iran some £400 million ($550 million) – a debt that stems from an order for tanks made prior to the 1979 Islamic revolution which were never delivered”:

A student “complained that during an Oct. 12 health class, an unidentified staff member made offensive and profanity-laced statements about Muslims, immigrants and Indigenous people for 25 minutes”:






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