News and Analysis 12/1/21

The Post article on B’Tselem’s report on settler violence “buries the critical issue: the charge that the Israeli government ‘fully supports and assists’ the violence as a means of removing Palestinians” from their land:

“[T]he rapidly changing regional landscape … is precisely why [Iran] cannot compromise in nuclear talks” …

… and between the green light U.S. withdrawal from the treaty gave to Iranian nuclear development and the degree to which its bullying has left no room for additional sanctions at a time of reduced Middle East presence there is no realistic alternative to diplomacy:

A 45% unemployment (67% for women and young people), frequent electricity cutoffs, 97% levels of water contamination, and constant risk of death by “Israeli airstrike, drone attack or artillery fire” account for youths’ attempt to escape on “death boat”:

“[W]ith rare exceptions (Turkey, Indonesia, Malaysia) Muslim states helped defend the genocide, and even those three refused to” sign “a letter to the UN human rights chief condemning China’s actions in Xinjiang”:

“The battle over Sheikh Jarrah is not legal in its essence, it is political. It is part of the larger systematic essence to Israelize the entirety of Jerusalem, my native city”:

“The journalists told Euro-Med that Israeli officers notified them that the travel ban against them could only be removed if they report security information about Palestinians to the Israeli intelligence or work for Israel”:

“Even stories which report on a Muslim having achieved something noteworthy are framed by their supposed embrace of western liberal values whilst breaking free of the shackles of their own faith or tradition” — authors of Centre for Media Monitoring report:

In the last month four Palestinians (including two children) and one Israeli were killed and 90 Palestinians (including 12 children) and fifteen Israelis (including six ISF members) were injured. A UN official warns that it will get worse without “quick action”:

“Clashes erupted between Iranian soldiers and Taliban forces near the Afghanistan-Iran border, but appear to have led to no casualties and was later described as a ‘misunderstanding’”:






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