News and Analysis 2/12/22

The brutality of Greenwashing. “To this day, Israeli authorities refuse to recognize Bedouin deeds, instead claiming the forestation efforts are taking place on ‘state-owned’ land”:

“Gold is a tradition. It grows out of a deep-seated distrust of governments and currencies and has been handed down from generation to generation” — a Turkish citizen:

A former Israeli AG agrees with Amnesty:

The church restoration is part of Hamas’s Intiqal 2030 program that “aims to rehabilitate heritage sites in the Gaza Strip,” also including the Saint Hilarion Monastery (Tell Um Amer):

“Wherever the Anti-Conversion law, ironically officially called Freedom of Religion Act, was passed, it became a justification for the persecution of the minorities and other marginalized identities”:

“Israel is using the PA to suppress the resistance in Jenin, and it is aimed to cause internal strife and bloodshed, and is also aimed at delegitimising the PA in the eyes of its people” — an Islamic Jihad figure in Jenin:

“[T]hree key areas where the MENA region will be affected by a large-scale confrontation between Russia and Ukraine [are] energy, … agriculture, …  and refugees“:

Reinstated in her position at a British university, this Palestinian refugee she “continues to face racist and hateful messages from Zionist media and trolls”:

“Last year a draft law on ‘Protection, Dignity and Security of Women against Violence‘ was introduced to parliament,” but it “does not provide a clear definition of domestic violence”:






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