News and Analysis 2/14/22

The president and founder of the  Military Religious Freedom Foundation says that Biden’s pick for the Navy’s new Deputy Chief of Chaplains “represents the absolute wretched epitome of sectarian, fundamentalist Christian nationalism in our U.S. military”:

Israel’s denial that it practices apartheid flies not only in the face of its policies, but also to the fact that  to this day it “has not ratified the apartheid convention”:

The original nuclear deal was possible because Iran and the the U.S. respected each other’s red lines (that Iran accept U.N. inspectors and the U.S. accept Iranian medical grade development). This time the U.S. balks at “guarantees the US will not renege on the accord again”:

“Israel has evicted the Bedouin from the Negev village of Al-Arakib dozens of times, but they keep coming back. Israeli forces then demolish their homes again”:

“[S]tories critical of the Indian government have seemingly disappeared from digital archives”:

An Israeli Jew saw his own dreams of peacemaking shot down as well when a soldier made an example to other protestors by shooting his unarmed Arab Israeli friend in the back:

“The election [in Uttar Pradesh] in particular illustrates the majoritarian nationalism that is driving widespread and lethal aggression against Muslims across the country”:

It is standard operating procedure for Israel to destroying houses owned by suspects:






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