News and Analysis 7/24/22

Remember the Israeli “art students” who danced on a rooftop when planes crashed into the WTC? They are part of “the largest case of Israeli spying in the United States – that has been made public – since 1986”:

The teen said he bought the calf to raise it, not kill it, but the members of the Vishwa Hindu Parishad-Bajrang Dal, some with criminal records, killed him anyway:

“Iran says its intelligence forces have arrested suspected members of an Israeli cell hours before they were allegedly planning to carry out a major ‘terrorist’ bombing operation in the central Iranian city of Isfahan”:

Critics predict the ruling “will likely be used exclusively against Palestinian citizens of Israel”:

According to one hadith, after 70 women complained of physical abuse by their husbands, the Prophet (pbuh) publicly criticized the men, “saying this behavior was unacceptable from those who seek to live by Islam’s ideals”:

“The spyware was used to weaponise vulnerabilities in Google and Microsoft products which allowed government clients to hack more than 100 activists, journalists, politicians, dissidents, and embassy workers”:






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