News and Analysis 8/3/22

The U.S. and Afghanistan trade accusations as to which has violated the Doha Accords after Biden administration takes out the “figurehead leader … of a decimated organization” …

… creating the possibility that a more effective successor “could do much more damage, especially if they’re able to unite various Al Qaeda factions and splinter groups around the world”:

“The latest move by B’nai Brith in the McGill affair looks like the last desperate baring of teeth of a cornered animal. It is predictable, pathetic and dangerous” — Roger Waters:

“Redactions to the document … make it impossible to ascertain the full extent of U.S. involvement …, but … official instructions suggest that the U.S. provided intelligence or other support”:

“Any Jew in the world and his or her children, grandchildren and spouses are entitled to immigrate to Israel” but rarely can “Palestinian residents of the West Bank and the Gaza Strip who marry Israeli citizens or East Jerusalem residents … obtain permanent legal status”:

Despite the fact that Maududi’s “methods were democratic, peaceful, and constitutional,” the university caved to the complaints of “right-wing ideologues” pleading that it wishes to avoid controversy:

How times have changed. In 1984 strongly pro-Israel Senator Chares Percy was defeated by the Zionist lobby for not being pro-Israel enough; today the lobby can’t even oust a Palestinian Congresswoman:

“The government’s repressive policies and failure to investigate and prosecute alleged security force abuses have increased insecurity among Kashmiris”:

“22 Palestinians were treated for injuries caused by rubber-coated steel bullets, and 75 others were treated for tear gas inhalation”:

The job participation rate for Muslim women in 2011 was less than 15% compared to over 27% for Hindu women, and 33% and 31% for Buddhist and Christian women respectively:






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