News and Analysis 8/7/22

“There can be no justification for any attacks against civilians” — Tor Wennesland, UN envoy for the Middle East Peace Process …

… but, Israel is convinced that the best way to prevent people from attacking you is to wage war upon them:

“Gaza’s sole power plant shut down on Saturday after running out of fuel, an electricity company spokesman said, five days after Israel closed its goods crossing“:

Calling Amnesty International, Human Rights Watch, and the Harvard Crimson anti-Semitic for opposing apartheid? “It’s a trick. We always use it” — Shulamit Aloni:

“It’s desirable that there be some fatalities” —  the commander who oversaw the sector in which the Kafr Qasem massacre took place:

“The significance of the disengagement plan is the freezing of the peace process” — Dov Weisglass, Senior advisor to Ariel Sharon at the time of his remark:

Israel’s wave of murder, mayhem,  and detentions continues:

““I’ve been through 9/11. I’ve been through the Trump era. I’ve never felt this helpless and in fear.”” –Tahir Gauba, the director of public affairs at the Islamic Center of New Mexico. White House silent:






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