News and Analysis 8/10/22

“As families aired laundry on blasted walls and sifted through the rubble to salvage whatever documents and furniture they could find, others laid their loved ones to rest”:

“Upon arrest, Ghafoor was informed that he had already been tried, convicted, and sentenced … [with] neither a chance to defend himself nor prior knowledge of the accusations against him”:

When Israel captured Bassem Saadi they expected PIJ to launch reprisal rocket attacks. When PIJ didn’t play into their hand, Israel launched a misleadingly-called “pre-emptive” attack to provoke them:

Iran has dropped two politically difficult demands, but now wants the IAEA to drop its demand to investigate evidence of pre-2003 nuclear research based on documents and CDs stolen by Israel:

Two black men say “the airline removed them from a flight following a fellow passenger’s complaint over text messages in Arabic and would not allow them to travel together on rebooked flights”:

“Outside the context of active hostilities, the use of drones or other means for targeted killing is almost never likely to be legal” — Agnès Callamard, UN special rapporteur on extrajudicial, summary or arbitrary executions:

Police suspect “a Sunni Muslim who may have been motivated by resentment over [[[his daughter’s] marriage to a Shiite Muslim”:






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