News and Analysis 8/20/22

Gill’s assertion that good Muslims should disobey illegal military orders (as per Nuremberg) was deemed treasonous by the army which his former accuses of taking part in a plot that ousted him:

The EU and the UN both decry Israel’s crackdown on civil society premised on unfounded accusations of PFLP ties. In July, nine E.U. countries said they would continue to work with the organizations”:

“The US will have to pay a fine in the event it withdraws from the nuclear agreement again” but the US classification of IRGC as terrorist and IAEA concerns over old nuclear particle traces remain obstacles …

… and “a group of [U.S.] senators has introduced a bill making sanctions ‘permanent’”:

“Muslims have been Europeans for almost 14 centuries – longer than white people have been Americans”:

“Some Iranian media said the man was arrested for holding a picture of Qassem Soleimani, a commander of Iran’s Islamic Revolutionary Guard Corps killed in a U.S. drone strike in January 2020”:

Palestinians endure not only murder, but life-threatening “surveillance”:

Critics say the San Francisco School Board decision to close schools on the two  Muslim holidays is “well-meaning” but illegal:






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