News and Analysis 8/27/22

“Under the 1947 agreement … the host nation guarantees rights of entry, movement and residence to those invited to U.N. meetings”:

“More Muslim marriages end with khhula, the woman’s inalienable right to instant divorce, and not as it’s widely perceived through [the rightly derided] instant triple talaq”:

“[T]he Special Coordinator for the Middle East Peace Process … urged delegates to turn their attention to the broader strategy of ending the occupation”:

Iran accuses Biden of attacking troops fighting against ISIS to sore domestic political points:

Dr. Mehmet Oz’s religion isn’t a factor for Muslims because “the issues Muslims care about are not limited to ‘stereotypical “Muslim issues”‘:

“In the face of persecution and violence, [working-class Muslim women] sat peacefully for 100 days, protesting by way of theatre, poetry and prayer”:

“Although there is no official ban on women going to sporting events in Iran, it is rare for them to attend as they are often refused entry”:

“[T]he public art project ‘I Witness Silwan’ depicting the eyes of local and international figures, including George Floyd”:






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