News and Analysis 10/12/22

One protester was shot in the leg, another in the eye:

Iran’s Education Minister admits that students protesting the death of Mahsa Amini when she was forced into a “reeducation center” are themselves being forced into reeducation centers:

It also demonstrates how easy it is for government to use wrongful conviction as a tool for targeting Muslims and other feared minorities:

A “loose coalition of Palestinian fighters” calling themselves the Lions’ Den has killed two occupying soldiers, giving Israel an excuse for what Palestinians call “collective punishment” …

… prompting a Palestinian strike:

“On top of Iran’s restrictions, some tech sanctions make it harder for protesters to organize and share information online”:

Fatah demands Hamas “accept the International Quartet’s decisions and [recognize] that the Palestine Liberation Organisation (PLO) is the only representative of the Palestinian people”:

“[T]he US and Turkey get it right in allowing women to dress as they please, and that Iran and France are both wrong to dictate, the former mandating veiling and the latter forbidding it”:






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