News and Analysis 10/21/22

“Israeli Chief of Staff Aviv Kochavi did not publicly express interest in any of” the over 100 attacks on Palestinians, but rushed out a condemnation “after Jewish settlers attacked an army unit this week” …

… and a “teen’s death was announced as Palestinians in occupied East Jerusalem and the West Bank began a one-day general strike and called for confrontations with Israeli forces”:

The BJP’s contempt for the rule of law threatens everyone, not just Muslims:

Ya’acov Shimshon Shapiro (later Israel’s Attorney General and Minister of Justice) … said there were … ‘no such laws even in Nazi Germany’” but in 1948 Israel adopted the very same laws:

The founder of Kashmir’s first digital magazine is the victim of the frequent “[a]ccusations of terrorism and repeat arrests … [against] Kashmiri journalists”:

“It is now clear that everyone is going to benefit from the natural gas off the coast of Gaza except those who probably need it the most: the Palestinians” of Gaza:

The plea charges ‘[o]pen participation by members of the ruling political part” in public speeches that “openly call for genocide of Muslims”:

“Authorities have not commented on the death of the teenager in Mashhad” whose father asks, “What crime had he committed, that you sprayed his stomach with 24 birdshot?”:

The former Cat Stevens said he is inspired by “See What Love Did to Me, ” a poem “by Turkish poet and great mystic teacher Yunus Emre … [that] teaches you how to love forever”:

Is it a political maneuver, or a return to normalcy?






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