Israel’s apartheid is not identical to South Africa’s — it is worse …
… but Israel will not tolerate the truth:
- Following Smear Campaign, Israel Considers Barring UN Special Rapporteur Albanese from Entering Palestine, Israel (Palestine Chronicle)
“Although some religions believe that human life begins at conception, this is not an opinion shared by all religions or all religious people” — ACLU statement:
“Like Andrew Jackson in 19th century America, Ben Gvir represents a settler underclass demanding the full privileges derived from native dispossession”:
- The Sheriff Comes for His Share of the Colony’s Spoils (972 Magazine)
“[O]ne of the very first Qur´anic prayers that Muslim girls and boys are taught is, “O my Lord, increase me in knowledge” (20:115):
- Islam and the Education of Women (Milpitas Beat)
Settler / soldier violence against Palestinians in November also included razing almost 200 acres of land and the demolition of seventy homes …
- Report: Israel Carried Out 833 Attacks Against Palestinians in November (Middle East Monitor)
… and December is unlikely to be different:
“89 Muslim American candidates [won] local, state, federal and judicial seats across 25 states”:
Has Israeli oppression reached a point beyond which even the Congress cannot close its eyes?
“The proud Palestinian-Houstonian actor is doing comedy that makes you uncomfortable. And Hollywood loves it”:
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