News and Analysis 12/11/22

As the West focuses on Ukraine, Israel’s violent rampage continues:

Topics on which fatwas were issued at this year’s KUPI meeting included “religious-based violence, …forced marriage, abortion in the case of rape, and” FGM:

Pressuring Iran won’t keep nukes out of the Middle East unless Israel complies with U.N. resolutions:

“In 2021 the Columbia Journalism Review reported that analysts believed Twitter, Facebook, and Instagram were deliberately censoring Palestinian content”:

A “prison gang expert and former member of the notorious Nuestra Familia prison gang … told Hatewatch the video’s characterization of Muslims is ‘not true’”:

There are three kinds of Zionists: those who deny the nakba, those who say it was (perhaps regrettably) necessary, and those who are proud of it:

An assistant professor of law urges Muslims break through patriarchy and give women their due inheritance “as commanded by God and His Messenger”:

Now. this is what a real a war on Christmas looks like …

… but Christmas fights back:

The “Taxpayers’ Ombudsman … described being at an “impasse” due to the inability of his office to look at all of the relevant files to properly complete the review”:






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