News and Analysis 1/29/23

Among the devastating facts that “Suarez can back up with hard evidence his assertion that ‘most victims of Zionist assassinations (i.e., targeted killings of specific individuals) were Jews’”:

“The conference unanimously agrees that Al-Shabaab, ISIS and other like-minded groups have deviated from the true teachings of Islam and that they are considered enemies of the Islamic religion”:

“According to the Forum’s statement, Sabaaneh was dismissed after he had published a cartoon criticising the Palestinian Authority’s lack of response towards the Israeli crimes in the Occupied West Bank”:

“I am so grateful that I live in an area where I have the choice. That empowers me to another level” — Skokie school board member Bushra Amiwala:

The “gunman appeared to have had a personal, not a political, motive[, but t]he incident came amid increased tensions between the neighbouring countries”:

“Every year, as the olive harvesting season starts, settler violence against West Bank Palestinians increases”:






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