News and Analysis 2/11/23

The new Israeli government’s “founding documents state unequivocally that the Jewish people have an ‘exclusive and indisputable right to all parts of the Land of Israel’”:

The government land seizure “has left people in the Union Territory worried as they fear their homes and business establishments will be bulldozed as documents and lease deeds are being ignored”:

Israeli special forces murder five Palestinians, including two unarmed barbers in their way home from work:

“More than a fifth of all web blackouts [in 2022] took place in Kashmir”:

Activists and journalists recently released from Tehran’s Evin prison include …

“The bodies of at least 580 suspected rebels killed by Indian forces were denied to families for proper funerals since April 2020”:

“The act was seen as a form of reciprocation after an NRI linked with the temple, Pradeep Kumar, helped the jamaat secure land for expansion several years ago”:

Justice Vaishnav is “infuriated … because the owner ‘is being hounded and thwarted in the attempt to enjoy the fruits of the property which he successfully purchased”:






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