News and Analysis 2/20/23

As Israel begins its war on Jerusalem, Palestinians respond with a general strike …

… while Palestinians demand accountability for noncombatants killed in so-called “anti-terror operations”:

A Hindutva leader released on bail after calling for killing and raping Muslim women now calls on HIndus to “murder all Muslims in the country” …

… while another Hindutva leader  encourages Hindu men to “‘get’ or abduct 10 Muslim women as vengeance” “for every Hindu girl that marries a Muslim man or falls in love with a Muslim man”:

… and the American media, absorbed by the protests sparked by a death in custody in Iran, is oblivious to the death of a wage laborer from “injuries he had sustained due to torture by police” in India:

“[D]iplomats familiar with the conversations said that in his call to Abbas, Blinken reiterated an offer to the Palestinians for a US package of incentives to entice them to drop or at least delay the resolution”:

“Tajdeed says it does not question the Quran or the teachings of the Prophet Mohammad, which are at the heart of Islam, but rather the opinions of religious scholars and others who came later, including modern-day clerics”:

Unlike “the pro-democracy opposition movements in Turkey, India or Brazil — or the [American] movement against Trumpism”, the movement in Israel is not for equal rights but “to preserve … liberal democracy for Jews”:

“If we are repatriated, we must be allowed to become Myanmar citizens. We cannot stay in reception centres”:

“[T]he strike, which hit close to an Iranian cultural centre, had killed 15 people including civilians”:

“Iran International TV has suspended its London operations and relocated its broadcasting to Washington, D.C. following threats against its staff”:

The Norwegian Refugee Council “calls on Israel to lift the siege and calls on donors to provide aid to help Palestinians rehabilitate their homes”:






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