News and Analysis 3/3/23

ACLU says the court’s decision gives states “time and flexibility to expand the existing legislation” to include “criminalizing boycotts and making them punishable by law”:

He remains in jail despite an Iranian appeals court that cleared him “of all charges and ordered his release on February 15”:

The onslaught continues …

… but the WEF, eager to condemn the killing of Ukrainians, has nothing to say about the massacre of the darker skinned Palestinians:

A girl is denied education because she wears three-quarter-length sleeves instead of short sleeves:

That IDF figures who “come from occupied West Bank settlement/colonies … would stand by when their neighbors attack Palestinians should not be a surprise”:

Author Mustafa Akyol wonders, “Will the Taliban really allow this book to be freely sold and read in Afghanistan?”

Those who shout “Jews will not replace us” are properly called antisemitic. What shall we call Jews who not only boast they will replace Palestinians, but literally displace them from part of their own homes?

Worship together the One Merciful God; acknowledge wisdom of the other; sit with the saints next door; recognize the dignity of all; resist stereotypes:

Is being “crowned champion of the Professional Football League” an act of terrorism?






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