News and Analysis 3/20/23

Jews who consistently oppose apartheid are enraged by those who excuse their past involvement with occupation illegalities with, “We knew what we were doing, and we did not refuse orders”:

While an attorney at Guantanamo, Desantis argued for the legality torturing uncharged prisoners in violated the Geneva Conventions:

Borell says Smotrich’s claim that “there was no Palestinian history or culture and no such thing as a Palestinian people … is wrong, it is disrespectful, it is dangerous, it is counter-productive”:

As Saudi Arabia prepares to launch the first Muslim woman into space, Alighar University celebrates Muslim women’s contributions to science:

“[T]he state of Panama is under American occupation. American and Israeli intelligence are targeting anyone working against imperialist Zionist policies” — Institute VP Sayid Marcos Tenório:

“U.S. criticism of India is rare due to close economic ties between the countries and India’s increasing importance for Washington to counter China in the region”:

Face the facts: the “two-state solution” is dead, Israeli apartheid is real, the “Third Intifada” has begun, and the new Israeli government threatens even Israeli Jews:






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