News and Analysis 3/31/23

Denying entry to “Palestinian Americans at all airports in Israel and into the occupied …. territories” is too much apartheid even for the US, …

… and smearing a sympathetic professor who “gave the students space to express their concerns, and denounced antisemitism” is too much for American academia …

… and Netanyahu’s policies “directly adversarial to” American interests are now noticed by American media …

… and settlers attacking civilians sitting in their car with an axe is too much even for Israeli authorities …

… yet attacks on ambulances get a pass:

“According to the Committee to Protect Journalists, four Kashmiri journalists, including Mehraj, are now in jail”:

They would “investigate whether Israel is using US weapons to commit human rights abuses against Palestinians, in violation of United States law”:

“Al-Tajdeed … responded by saying in court: ‘Thoughts are to be challenged with thoughts, and words are not to be suppressed by the authority of the law’”:

The Court “ordered the United States to pay compensation but left the amount to be determined later”:

FIFA is hypocritical in prohibiting Indonesia from excluding Israel fro participating while itself prohibiting Russia from participating om sports events:

Israel just keeps on giving unwelcome Ramadan gifts:






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