News and Analysis 8/25/23

The shutdown of an independent out let bodes ill as India’s ranking for press freedom continues to plummet:

“[T]he UK is seeking to block the court from addressing such important matters, something I am sure it would not do were the court asked to address comparable issues … such as Russia’s occupation of Ukrainian territory”:

Muslim religious leaders say both sides have “accepted to avoid violence”:

“Police have since rounded up over 100 suspects who were reportedly at the forefront of one of the most severe incidents of anti-Christian violence in the country’s history”:

“Some Israeli journalists reacted with outrage on social media over Ben-Gvir’s comments, pointing out that he was acknowledging apartheid on air”:

“The evidence thus far indicates that religion supersedes race in how White Americans evaluate immigrants”:

“This was the second time this summer that small groups of conservative Muslims made headlines for violent acts against journalists”:

“Maybe the U.S. did this out of fear of the emerging power of the Soviet Union, but it was like wishing for an earthquake to get rid of a bad neighbor”:

“Muslim nations refrain from speaking up about the treatment of fellow Muslims so as not to upset China, a major investor in developing nations”:






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