News and Analysis 9/8/23

“‘In all cases, recently investigated by HRW, ‘Israeli forces shot the children’s upper bodies’ … without the ‘issuing of warnings or using common, less lethal measures’”:

“The Religious Left … [has] a new set of moral values that they want us to accept, and mere tolerance is not an option. The script has been flipped” …

… the French law is aimed at concealing Muslim identity from public visibility …

… and the French courts want it that way:

“Everyone has a right to buy property and settle in J&K but Muslims have no right to work in Uttarakhand or even Gurgaon. This is Modi’s New India”:

“They should punish those who are at fault. Why are we being punished with them?” — owner of a Gazan fish restaurant:

“There is an apartheid state here,” he said. “In a territory where two people are judged under two legal systems, that is an apartheid state” — Tamir Pardo:

It’s not “legal tender”; it has actual; value:

A “PhD student who suffers from cerebral palsy, described the ordeal as ‘deeply traumatic’ and believes he was evicted for his student activism and religion”:

“The OIC’s decision to repeatedly turn a blind eye to the persecution of Muslims in China has sharply diminished the organization’s credibility, and the legitimacy of its member government”:






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