News and Analysis 9/10/23

“[P]olice seized textbooks that were being delivered to a private school in occupied East Jerusalem’s Old City, and arrested the Palestinian school employee driving the delivery vehicle”:

“They are only being targeted because of their religious identity” — Lalji Kanjibhai, a Hindu and the sarpanch of the neighbouring Tukda Gosa village:

As if bees don’t have enough problems, they are now the victims of Zionism …

… while Zionists turn man’s best friend into women’s nightmare:

“Luxury fashion brand Dolce & Gabbana released an abaya collection in 201,” but France insists it has the right to dictate both fashion and religion:

“Recent viral videos show Israeli Civil Administration overseeing as Israeli soldiers and workers fill Palestinian water wells with cement – in the middle of a sweltering summer”:

Revival of the no-nukes deal may require not only direct negotiation and inclusion of P5+1 but dialog within and between the U.S. Congress and Iranian parliament:

“As scored by Reporters Without Borders, India is now 161st out of 180 countries in the world in terms of press freedom, behind even Taliban-ruled Afghanistan”:

Mohammad Salman Hamdani is “an American Muslim hero who lost his life trying to save lives at the World Trade Center after the 9/11 attacks”:

The watchlist is part of a “policy that has evaded accountability, but which … perpetuates] the humiliation, demonization, and otherization of Muslims”:






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