News and Analysis 9/17/23

Israel celebrates the Jewish New Year by shutting Muslims out of the Ibrahimi mosque and attacking them at Al-Aqsa:

Iranians commemorate Mahsa Amini’s death in custody with protests both peaceful and violent:

India is engaged in “an everyday radicalisation of young men and women who appear very normal, until they decide to target Indian Muslims and Christians” …

… case in point, fatal community violence sparked by a Hindu schoolboy hacking into a Muslim romantic rival’s account to post “derogatory comments about” a Hindu king:

“New Jersey’s longest-serving Muslim mayor — has said he believes his name is allegedly on a federal terrorist watchlist and that he had no ‘due process to clear my name’”:

The “Bharatiya Janata Party-led central government abolished the Commission for Protection of Women and Child Rights and six other commissions”:

Opponents fear the act, touted as a pro-woman move will, like the previous prohibition of child marriage will prove to be “another stick to criminalise the community”:

Young PAS candidates are perceived as corruption-free,  professionals, with a “grasp of global politics and because … some international elan”:

“Israel quit UNESCO in 2019, accusing it of being biased against it and … also objected to UNESCO’s acceptance of Palestine as a member state in 2011”:

“Beita has been the centre of Israeli raids since 2021, as villagers started an ongoing protest campaign against an Israeli settlement outpost on Mount Sabih, on the lands of Beita”:






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