News and Analysis 9/20/23

“Some critics call this transaction a ransom payment. The reality, as usual, is far more complex”:

The head of the head of the National Council of Canadian Muslims, called the killing “an unprecedented attack against Canadian sovereignty, full stop”:

Concerns were expressed “after the arrest of an investigative journalist who reported on leaked documents that alleged French intelligence was used to target civilians in Egypt”:

The killings were part of suppression of demonstrations against a denial of entry to Israel condemned as “illegal collective punishment” by the Israeli NGO Gisha:

“Journalists expressed confusion over their status and concern that authorities could be trying to suppress news of dissent” over responsibility for the floods:

The mother of two has always maintained that she raised money, not fr Hamas but for “children in the besieged Gaza Strip”:

“I know that I am wrong but I did not expect this punishment” Lina says of the two year sentence on top of a 250 million rupiah ($16,249.59) fine:

Israeli lobbyists opposition to such events “are based on the bigoted notion that the open existence of Palestinians or expressions of their identity on campus is unsafe for Jews”:

The subjects of the documentary aim to promote diversity in the military and to show that Muslims are “dedicated to upholding the Constitution”:






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