News and Analysis 9/22/23

Of 835 children accused of stone-throwing in six year period “834 were convicted, nearly all of whom served time in jail. Hundreds of them were between 12 and 15 years old” …

… and a 15-year-old has been killed for spotting “Israeli special forces exiting three Palestinian licensed cars and surround the home of the father of a Palestinian man wanted for arrest” …

… while extremists donate funds  for the release of the arsonist whosde victims included an 19-month old baby and his  parents:

“The scourge of qualified immunity will continue to live on until Congress gets rid of it”:

“My daughter keeps asking: ‘Why don’t we have a house? Why can’t we build a house? Why can’t I have my own room?”– Palestinian Bedouin mother of six:

Prohibiting a traditional Japanese garment as a symbol of Islamic identity? To steal a line from Mark Twain, “It is un-American! It is Un-English! It is French!”:

“Three settler related incidents per day occurred on average in the first eight months of 2023 compared to an average of two per day in 2022 and one per day the year before”:

“Incarcerated Muslims have a long history of shaping prison litigation that continues to affect the lives of incarcerated people today”:

“The separation logic enshrined by the Oslo Accords birthed a cruel system of Israeli control, whose security justifications collapsed into openly racist ones”:

“Thousands are in jail including traders, journalists and human rights activists. We want to see them free”:






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