News and Analysis 10/1/23

Students accuse Israel of “trying to criminalise student activism“, after a wave of arrests of students at Birzeit University”:

“They have perfected the spread of inflammatory, often false and bigoted material on an industrial scale, earning both envy and condemnation beyond India’s borders”:

“[M]ore than 400 students, faculty and alumni signed a petition initiated by a Jewish student supporting Larson’s right to teach the book”:

Thanks to Fico, “Slovakia is the only member state of the EU without a mosque”:

A “first wife’s permission for a husband to enter into a polygamous marriage used to be a prerequisite. However, over time, states have dispensed with this requirement”:

IDF soldiers abduct and shoot Palestinians and aided by paramilitary settlers uproot trees …

… firing “live ammunition and rubber-coated steel bullets heavily toward [refugee] camp residents, who responded by throwing rocks and empty glass bottles”:

The complainant alleges that when she refused to let the manager see her hair “he grabbed and forcibly removed part of her hijab”:

“Palestinians and advocacy groups say Israeli authorities have long turned a blind eye to crime in their communities”:

In medieval Kashmiri mystical poems “Islamic and Sanskritic concepts were fused together to generate a common grammar of religion”:






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