News and Analysis 10/19/23

Israel tries to blame Palestinians, but a WHO representative says, “51 attacks had occurred against Gazan healthcare facilities since the start of Israel’s bombardment” …

… and eleven journalists and hundreds of children have been killed since the current bombings began:

Think the absence of speaker prevents the House from passing laws? Not when it comes to making war:

Settler reprisals for Hamas’s reprisals against earlier settler-soldier violence adds another sixty civilians to the roster of death …

… and soldier violence adds three more, including two teenagers:

“A 12-year-old girl was shot by authority security forces during protests in Jenin and a university student was injured by live fire in the town of Tubas”:

The flawed Oslo accords, the invasion of Iraq on the pretext of 9/11, Trump’s abandonment of JCPOA, and the Abraham Accords all contributed to the present crisis:

As Israeli airstrikes continue even against the zones they had declared “safe” …

… a clueless Biden says, “‘We’re going to get people out,’ … without offering details” …

… and a senior state department official can’t take it any more, saying, “Blind support for one side is destructive in the long term to the interests of the people on both sides”:

From colleges to high schools, the generational divide over Israeli genocide in Gaza is clear:

Starbucks is upset that the union’s statement has confused led supporters of Israel into “confronting partners in our stores and sending graphic and violent messages”:

Saying the alleged murderer had never shown anti-Muslim sentiment, the victim’s uncle fears “security will do nothing if we did not change the stereotype talking against Arabs and Muslims”:






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