News and Analysis 11/3/23

Biden lies while Gazans die:

The Israeli propaganda machine exploits social media even as it purges Western art and threatens American universities:

French police tell a journalist, “If we see you again at a protest, we will break your legs” …

… and 34 journalists have been killed since the start of the war between Israel and Hamas, of whom at least 12 were killed in the course of their work – 10 in Gaza, one in Israel and one in Lebanon”:

Add another victim to the ten thousand Gazan slaughtered: normalization of relations with Israel:

Delighted by its “success” in Gaza, Israel now gives the West Bank a taste:

The Israeli intelligence document lays “out a vision for mass displacement at the end of its war with Hamas”:

“Palestine, which yearns for peace and stability for over a century, saw its longest period of peace during the 401 years of Ottoman rule, from the conquest of Jerusalem in 1516 to the dawn of the British Mandate in 1917”:

“Antisemitism and antisemitic individuals are not part of our liberation movement. We unequivocally denounce the racist confounding of Jewish identity with the actions of the state of Israel” …

… “Both communities are victims … Antisemitism is rising, Islamophobia is also on the rise. And that’s the reason why we feel that we must come together because this is our common enemy”:

In Kashmir, as in Palestine, elections delayed is democracy denied:






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